Interviews and Observation of Blind Software Developers at Work to Understand Code Navigation Challenges

This page contains supplemental online information for the following ASSETS 2017 paper:

Khaled Albusays, Stephanie Ludi, Matt Huenerfauth. 2017. Interviews and Observation of Blind Software Developers at Work to Understand Code Navigation Challenges. In Proceedings of the The 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Technical Specifications of Files

The following files are comma-separated value (CSV) files containing ASCII text data, according to the following specification: Y. Shafranovich 2005 Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files, Request for Comments 4180.

Additional Quotations from Participants

The following file contains additional quotations from participants, beyond those included in the ASSETS paper: additional-quotations.csv

Participant Tools

The following file contains additional information about the operating system, assistive technologies, programming languages, and programming editors used by each participant in the study. This provides additional detail, beyond the summarized information included in Table 2 of the ASSETS paper: participant-tools.csv