Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Perspectives on Imperfect Automatic Speech Recognition for Captioning One-on-One Meetings

This webpage contains supplemental online information for the following ASSETS 2017 paper:

Larwan Berke, Christopher Caulfield, Matt Huenerfauth. 2017. Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Perspectives on Imperfect Automatic Speech Recognition for Captioning One-on-One Meetings. In Proceedings of the The 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Technical Specifications of Videos

The video files linked below are MKV files (with embedded captions). These files can be played using VLC Media Player. The files have following technical specifications:

Mock Meeting Scenario Videos

The following twelve video files (MKV) were used to generate stimuli for the studies.

Example Stimuli from Pilot Study

The following twelve video files contain examples of stimuli from this study, showing each markup type.

Example Stimuli from Larger Study

The following four video files contain examples of stimuli from this study, showing each markup type. Participants in the study actually saw twelve videos, three of each type.

Survey Questions from Larger Study

The following files are comma-separated-values (CSV) files containing the English text version and answer-choice options for each survey question, along with the comprehension questions and answer choices from the study.