Animation Samples
Demographic and Experiential Factors Influencing Acceptance of Sign Language Animation by Deaf Users
Examples of ASL Animations Presented as Stimuli
The links below are examples of stimuli from the study.
ASL Videos of Survey Questions
The links below are ASL questions from the survey.
AnimationAttitude0.mp4 - Instructions
English Version of Some Survey Questions
Animation Attitude
Do you agree or disagree? Please select one of these choices: Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree
Computer animations of sign language could be used to give information on a website.
Computer animations of sign language could be used to give information in a public place (e.g. airport, train station).
Computer animations of sign language could be used as an interpreter in a face-to-face meeting.
Computer animations of sign language could be used as an interpreter for telephone relay.
I would enjoy using computer animations of sign language.
Other people would enjoy using computer animations of sign language.
What language do you use at home? English, ASL, other:_____
How often do you do each of the following?
Watch TV shows, movies, etc., on computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
Watch video clips on the computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
Download media files from other people on the computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
Share your own media files on a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone
Your school: residential, daytime school for Deaf students, mainstream