Animation Samples

Animations from Paper Entitled: Synthesizing American Sign Language Spatially Inflected Verbs from Motion-Capture Data

SLTAT Workshop, 2011

Pengfei Lu and Matt Huenerfauth

Verbs Studied in This Paper

We studied four ASL verbs in this paper:

Movies in Apple Quicktime MOV Video format

The links below will display animations in Apple Quicktime MOV Video format. The verbs are shown embedded in a sentence. If you are unfamiliar with ASL and you want to know what these verbs look like in isolation, you may consult this page from a prior publication.

The sample sentences:

Animations of Uninflected Versions of Five ASL Verbs

ask-uninflected, give-uninflected, scold-uninflected, tell-uninflected.

Animations of Inflected Versions Produced by a Human Animator

ask-human, give-human, scold-human, tell-human.

Animations of Inflected Versions Produced by Our Model

ask-model, give-model, scold-model, tell-model.

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